The Future of Biotechnology Innovation and Global Cooperation
MOHW and KHIDI to Host BIO KOREA 2024
BIO KOREA 2024가 5월 8~10일 3일간 개최됐다. 사진=한국보건산업진흥원
The Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW, Minister Cho KyooHong) and the Korea Health Industry Development Institute(KHIDI, President Cha, SoonDo) will host BIO KOREA 2024 at Hall C, COEX, Seoul for three days from May 8~10.
BIO KOREA has made huge strides in raising global awareness of Korea’s highly advanced pharmaceutical and bio technologies and elevating the global standing of the Korean health industry.
Held under the theme of "The Future of Biotechnology Innovation and Global Cooperation" this year's event will includebusiness partnering, invest fair, exhibitions, and academic conferences.
641 companies from 55 countries(based on pre-registrations as of May 6) are expected toparticipate in, with more than 30,000 visitors.The number ofbusiness partnering booths will increase by 80%(30 in 2023→56 in 2024) formore active business interactions.
Minister Cho Kyoo Hong said in the congratulatory speech during the opening ceremony, "Global businesses are highly interested in Korea's biopharmaceutical companies. As such, Bio Korea will spark cooperation for open innovation to help Korean businesses with innovative technologies of the future generation expand their presence in the global market."
He added, "The Korean government will facilitate the development of biotechnology innovation and build the global cooperation ecosystemin order to leap for ward as a global hub country in biohealth by increasing research and development support, creating mega funds, enhancing export support, training specialized personnel, and improving the relevant regulations."
KHIDI President Cha, Soon Doremarked in the opening speech, "This event offers an opportunity to meetbiohealth researchers, businesses, and institutions worldwide in one place. I hope this year"s event will serve as a business forumtoshare their strategies and find ways towork together." He added, "I hope BIO KOREA will serve as aspringboard for the global expansion of Korea’s outstanding technologies."